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These are challenging times. Most schools and NGOs have currently been closed in wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and children don’t have the usual access to their meals. Most families are unable to make money so hunger and starvation are our main concerns. Our focus has now shifted to feeding the community to ensure they have the strength and nutrients they need to survive this. We’re working with our partner organizations and trying to collect disinfectant soap, sanitizers, toiletries, packaged food, dry rations, fruits/vegetables and medical supplies, which are being distributed among the families of the children we support. The distribution plan is working and every attempt is being made to keep it safe. These are challenging times and we need to work together as a community to help those who are most vulnerable and at risk. 

If you choose to help the children via MonksPie, until the lockdown in India is lifted and children start coming back to schools, we'll direct 100% of the amount we receive from you to our pool fund in India, which is used for collection and distribution of essential items as explained above, and which our partner NGOs have access to - and MonksPie will cover all transaction fee. However, because of logistical and resource constraints, we won't be able to provide separate pictures. 

If you're subscribed to one of our monthly meal plans, we'll be reaching out to you individually. We can pause your subscription until children return to schools, or we can continue with your subscription - in which case MonksPie will combine the meals for the next feeding drive when schools open, amidst other options. 


Stay up to date and informed on ways to protect your health with sources such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), Government of India, and your local health department.

While this situation is unprecedented, we are optimistic that all of us will ultimately emerge stronger and more resilient if we remain careful, cognizant and treat everyone with kindness. 

Stay safe!

What we can do to fight this

Disinfect common surfaces

Cough into tissues (or sleeves)

Use sanitizers with >60% alcohol

Wash hands properly

Practice social distancing and work from home

Pick up an instrument

Spend more time with loved ones

Relax and find time for yourself (and your pets)

Wear cloth masks in public

Care for the community

Discover new music

Play old games

Learn new cuisines to cook

Find our passion

And practice giving!

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